Our MissionAs Ace Combat's Japanese-language canon material has begun disappearing off of official websites, we founded Encyclopædia Strangereal to preserve the original texts and images, as well as offer English translations of lost and/or Japanese-only content.
Some materials here have never been translated before, but material for which translations do already exist has also been re-translated. For decades, English speaking fans have made attempts at translating fluff from Japanese source material, almost always without knowing the language. Their efforts have been valiant, admirable, and occasionally even readable. They have also been full of misleading items, omissions, and outright innovations made to plausibly fill gaps in the translator’s understanding. We are only semi-professional translators and hope someone - ourselves, even - might someday improve upon on our work. However, we believe it represents a firm stepping stone for the English-speaking Ace Combat community. |
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